Friday, April 8, 2016

Be careful! These 5 habits will d@m@ge your Liver

liverliver1Lately, liver problem have been increasing in rapid number. Actually, our food habit is effecting our liver. Many habits of our, are the causes of many health issues.liver-danger
Today, we will be discussing on our 5 habits that will d@m@ge our liver.
1. Alcohol Addiction
If you are a regular alcohol consumer, then your liver is degrading. Liver helps to release the disorder of our body. Alcohol will not let liver to release out those disorder from body. Gradually, the liver could not perform it’s activities and will change into a cancer. Thus, don’t alcohol in regular manner.
2. Medicine Use
Edible matter or medicine, both are digest through liver. More mass in any of these things will affects liver. Specially, the maximum consumption of chemical medicine will lead the liver d@m@ge. Try to avoid medicine as much as possible.
3. Smoking
Liver gets affected with the habit of smoking. The smoke of cigarette and any other smoking stuffs gives bad effects on liver and health. The toxic chemical of cigarette @tt@cks to liver. The long term of smoking led to destruction of liver.
4. Less Sleep
There is a r!$k of d@m@ge to liver, if you are sleeping enough. Less sleeping people will get affect in their liver as like as smoking people. It not only degrade the liver health but also creates many other problem.
5. Irregular Food
Obesity problem is directly connected to irregular food. The fat of food store in liver will cause a obesity. This irregularity in food habit gives a negative impacts on liver in future.

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